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Syllabification of English Words

Supervised and Unsupervised learning approaches to syllabify English words into phonemes.

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Sentiment Analysis of Hinglish Tweets

Analysed tweets comprising of Hindi phonemes written in English alphabets using bag of words, N-grams, and emoticons.

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AngryBirds game engine

A bot learning to play AngryBirds game (on Google Chrome extension) based on reinforcement learning and search-space optimization techniques implemented in Java.

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Book-a-Nook (Google Summer of Code 2016)

An open source library room reservation tool for patrons and library admins with easy-to-use UX, a data visualization tool and a requests moderation platform.

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An integrated profiles for developers, aggregating their project's data from GitHub, profile from LinkedIn and problems solved on Topcoder.

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Planet Wars game engine

A bot playing Planet Wars game by Google AI Challenge

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Automated Infrastructure Replica

A framework to replicate AWS infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation, Lambda, S3, API Gateway and Puppet. The replication includes infrstructure provisioning, dependencies management and code deployment, and not data replication.

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Linux-based File Sharing Platform with Access control
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Process scheduler simulation
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Token-based Registration
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